To suggest a presentation, please send us a message via the Contact Us page or email to
The OSNTX expects to have monthly Zoom meetings going forward, and Wed. at 7 pm was a suggested time. Please provide feedback.
Previous Meetings
(Note. other previous meetings need to be added. OSNTX members can click on the gray bar above for more information. Copies of slides may also be added later that will be available to members)
Dec. 5 2024 meeting in Fort Worth of OSNTX with FWLSC
Hot Topics in Analytical Instrumentation + EXPO
7pm at Arts 5th Avenue, Fort Worth
Festive music by Johnny Case.
Snacks & Desserts,
Applications of Polymer Optics in Analytical Instrumentation
Nelson E. Claytor, PhD, FSPIE. Fresnel Technologies, Inc.
Expanding Instrument Versatility to Tackle more Difficult Problems
Doug Carlton, Ph.D.. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments
Advances in Analytical Separations: GC Detector Technologies
Jennifer Maclachlan. PID Analyzers, LLC, The Analyzer Source
OSNTX Zoom Talk, Thursday 12 Sept. at 7PM. All-optical Signal Processing, by Cheng Guo
[For anyone who can make it, we are also meeting in person at the Arlington Downtown Library, 100 S. Center St., Arlington, TX. This is in the Dream Study room on the 3rd floor near the top of the stairs. Free parking outside. See you there.]
All-optical signal processing is a pivotal technology in fiber-optic communications and photonic computation due to the unparalleled processing bandwidth and low-loss property of optical fibers and waveguides. This presentation covers PhD research at the University of Texas at Arlington, focusing on a hybrid S-band amplifier designed to support multi-band communication. Additionally, the suppression of stimulated Brillouin scattering through temperature tuning within a highly nonlinear fiber platform will be discussed.
Cheng Guo received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington in July 2024, where he is currently working as a Research Fellow. In 2022 and 2023 he completed two internships at Nokia Bell Labs in Murray Hill, NJ, USA. His research has focused on all-optical signal processing with nonlinear fiber optics, deep-space quantum networks, space division multiplexing, and microwave photonics.
Details about accessing the meeting are at this link and on the Home Page.
All-optical Signal Processing - 9/12/2024
Optical Fabrication and Testing of Dental Loupes
Wed. 20 Mar. 2024 at 7 pm, Zoom Meeting (open 6:45 to 8:15 CST)
Speaker John Taylor has been in optical fabrication for over 45 years. Currently working for Quality Aspirators in Duncanville Tx. Quality Aspirators produces Medical and Dental loupes for dentists and doctors and dental hygienists. These are made under Q-Optics a subsidiary of Quality Aspirator. John will be giving a talk on the different type of loupes they fabricate along with a video tour of the optical fabrication shop.
Zoom Meeting, Wed. 31 Jan 2024, 7 pm (open 6:45 to 8:15 CST)
Title: How Optics Enable Artificial Intelligence
Description: Recently, the release of DALLE-2 and ChatGPT has captured the imagination of the wider public of what AI can do. This has led to discussions on how AI will change the nature of education and work. Many people don’t realize that fiber optics are a key enabling technology for AI. In this talk I’ll show how high speed fiber optic links are used to connect clusters of GPUs together to build AI factories.
Presenter Bio: Dr. Earl Parsons is the Director of Data Center Architecture Evolution at CommScope. He joined CommScope in 2014 as a Principal Optical Engineer. Prior to joining CommScope Earl received an MS and Ph.D. in optical sciences from the University of Arizona and was a Senior Member of Technical Staff at TE SubCom, formerly known as Tyco Telecommunications. Dr. Parsons also served as an editor of the IEEE 802.3db-2022 standard. His interests include multimode and single mode fiber optic systems to enable artificial intelligence data centers.
OSNTX Zoom Meeting, Wed. 15 Nov. 2023 at 7 pm
A New Pediatric-Suitable Retina Camera, Presented by Mike Jones
A team of four pediatric PhD ophthalmology specialists and Mike Jones (retired optical designer for Lockheed Martin and Raytheon) is working to produce a new retina camera designed specifically for infants and premature babies having eye globe diameters on the order of 16-20mm, much smaller than adult eyes. The camera covers a 60º portion of the retina centered on the fovea, and maximizes detection and diagnosis of abnormal arterial and venous blood vessel development. Early detection of blood vessel abnormalities enables medical treatment that will help to restore normal blood flow to the retina and minimize the chances of permanent blindness. The camera is primarily intended to be fielded in medically disadvantaged third-world countries. Its cost will be roughly 10-15% that of existing retinal cameras, and the camera, control computer and software will be designed to facilitate medical staff training in these regions.
To see the slides from the meeting, click on the following link:
Mike Jones Pediatric Retina Camera 111523
OSNTX Zoom Meeting, Thursday Nov. 2 2023, 8 pm. General discussion about the OSNTX.
Thursday April 20, 2023. Diffuse optics for clinical monitoring: Noninvasive probes of tissue health.
David Busch, Ph. D. University of Texas Southwestern
Friday March 24. Photonic Integrated Circuits using Transparent Conductive Oxides: from Materials and Devices to System Integration
Professor Alan Wang, Baylor University, Mearse Endowed Chair Professor. UTA Photonics Distinguished Speaker Series
Friday, February 10, 2023 UTA 2023 Photonics Workshop and Showcase.
Thur. Dec. 1 2022. UTA Photonics Center. Optical Target Detection for LiDAR systems. Amr S. Helmy, Ph.D.. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
University of Toronto
Thur. Mar. 3 2022. 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm. Zoom meeting. Optics Discussion
A planned “Optics and Photonics Workshop” at the University of Texas at Arlington, arranged by Prof. James Coleman was postponed from Friday February 11, 2022 until later, due to UTA covid restrictions.
Wed. September 15, 2021. Zoom. 7:30pm.
Reconsidering Optical Fundamentals: Nodal Points, Exit Pupil, Detector Curvature, and Power
Presenter: Mike Simpson
Thursday April 15, 2021. 7:30pm.
Title: New Developments in Photodynamic Therapy – Better and Deeper
Presenter: Professor Wei Chen, Department of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington
Thursday March 18, 2021. 7:30pm.
Two talks during the same Zoom meeting. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
Reto Fiolka. 3D fluorescence microscopy with high spatio-temporal resolution.
Ralph P. Mason. Small animal imaging at UT Southwestern and the development of prognostic imaging biomarkers.
Thursday Feb. 18, 2021.
Breaking the bounds of imaging in label-free nanoscopy, micro-endoscopy and ophthalmology
Zeev Zalevsky, IEEE Photonics Society Distinguished Lecturer, Bar-Ilam University, Israel
Thursday Jan. 21, 2021. Advanced Intraocular Lens (IOL) Technology
Myoung Choi, Alcon Vision, Fort Worth, TX
Thursday Nov. 19, 2020, 7:30 pm. Guided-mode resonance Nanophotonics: Fundamentals and Applications.
Robert Magnusson, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Texas - Arlington,
Thursday Oct. 15, 2020, 7:30 pm.How to use segmented window analysis in Zemax 20.2
Mike I. Jones. Precision Optics of Azle LLC.
Thursday Sept. 17, 2020, 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm. Holographic Beam Shaping for Advanced Applications.
A. Alkan Gülses, Alcon, Fort Worth
Thursday Aug. 20, 2020, 7:30 pm. Refractive index homogeneity effect on large aperture optical systems.
Melissa Seitz. II-VI Aerospace & Defense
Thursday July 9, 2020, 7:30 pm. : Multichannel SWIR Cassegrain for Nightly All-Sky Imaging.
Mike I. Jones. Precision Optics of Azle LLC.